Tuesday 10 November 2015


Do you let your kids play in the dirt?

For those of us who were raised in the village, or smaller towns, we grew up with a lot of sand and we played very hard in the sand. It was everywhere. We even ate sand for food. If you don’t believe me ask your parents. The point is that we got dirty frequently and washed only if we were forced to. The sand never killed us. We were rambunctious, happy, vibrant, healthy and strong children.
Today, we are raising children in the cities who engage in limited physical activity; this is very dangerous to their well-being. Children need to play and get dirty while doing so. 

  • That’s what childhood’s for 

Allow the kids to get dirty, that’s what childhoods for – getting dirty! It is good for their body and soul.  

  • They can practice wash-up

Kunle washed the plates this morning and I could still see the oil from last night’s stew. Yes. The plates are not really clean but he will get it all clean pretty soon.

     So, Amaka cooked the soup today but left the kitchen in a sorry state. Don’t worry good clean up always follows the dirtying up. Cleaning up will definitely help the children develop good habits.  
  • They grow from dirt 

It’s ironic that children actually need some dirt to develop immunity to fight infections and diseases of childhood.
  •  Let them keep a garden

If you keep a garden let them join you. If you don’t have space, use a bucket and fill it with sand. Give the child a chance to plant something and nurture it. He will take great pride in this.

  • Dirt is health
§       Yes, it is essential for physical and mental development. Let the young ones loose outside. Through play they develop character - become more adventurous and more self-motivated. They get better at appreciating risks.
§       Don’t let him get stuck watching television or playing with his devices. Balance is everything.
§       However, make sure they are safe outside and someone is watching over them. It’s a dangerous world. Safety first.


Please let your kids play outside and get dirty if they can. #LetThemPlayOutside


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